If you are looking for some additional traffic sources, we definitely recommend you to take a look at Twitter or X (renamed by Ilon Musk on July 24, 2023).
Twitter's audience is growing steadily, the potential advertising reach of twitter is approximately 544 million users. That's why 35.67% of B2B companies use twitter as a marketing tool. Take into consideration that the platform, as any other social network, has its own peculiarities and nuances that you need to know in order to successfully run advertising in twitter ads, attract high-quality traffic and do not get banned.
In this article we will tell you how to properly prepare, warm up and run twitter ads paid advertising in 2024.
They include tools and services that are necessary for a launch
Proxies. We recommend mobile or residential proxies by ipkings.io, since there are high trust, IP rotation every 10 minutes, low fraudscore, stable speed.
- Ready-made accounts. You will not be able to launch ads with newly registered accounts. So, go to hstock and choose a Twitter account according to the date of creation which should be at least a year ago. The older the better!
- Any payment card with a balance of 10$ or more fore Twitter blue. балансом от 10$ для Twitter Blue.
- Antidetect browser. We recommend the well-known indigo, dolphin anty, octo browser...use it according to your wishes and capabilities.
Farming and preparation
After buying a Twitter account, setting up a profile through the antidetect and running an account on your profile, don't immediately rush out to run ads with a daily budget of thousands of dollars worth! Here are some simple steps to implement farming:
2 simple steps:
1. The first step is to log into your account and buy twitter blue for this account
2. Then warm up the account for 2-3 days, scroll through the feed, like content and write comments, subscribe to some groups. It is also important to search and read information and tabs about advertising in Twitter itself. Thus, you behave as a potential advertiser. All these actions will provide the account with trust, get the account acquainted with a new proxy ip and profile in the antidetect browser.
Launching and setting Twitter Ads
1. Open https://ads.twitter.com go to campaigns, then Create campaign.
2. Choose the appropriate type and purpose of the campaign
3. Add a payment card to the account. Next, set up the advertising campaign, write a headline, text, add a banner
4. Proceed to the next step, set demographics, geo, targeting by the necessary keywords, look-a-like audience, devices, interests, etc. Remember that too accurate settings can narrow your potential audience and, as a result, decrease your traffic.
5. Below, set the daily budget of the campaign in the "daily budget" bar. It is recommended to set not a round number but no more than 170$ at the very start (for example 108,31$).
6.Click "launch campaign", send the campaign to moderation and wait for traffic!