About the store
on hStock since 2024About us
German Accounts Store is pleased to welcome you! From us you can purchase accounts Google.de, TikTok, Freenet.de, T-online.de, Gmx.de, Amazon.de (buyer accounts), Personal Data (german), Soft-for working with mail (multi-account), Soft- (anonymous browsers of our own development based on Mozilla Firefox with the ability to change the user agent, set the IP address and port, works with a proxy), there are also working schemes for making money. For more detailed information.
Attention, purchased goods cannot be returned in cases where it is not our fault! For example: purchasing a product without looking at the description, purchasing personal data in a single copy, purchasing a product that matches the description and is in good working order!
Returns are possible if our product is faulty, does not match the description (replacement), accounts with an invalid password!
German Accounts Store рад привествовать Вас! У нас Вы можете приобрести аккаунты Google.de, TikTok, Freenet.de, T-online.de, Gmx.de, Amazon.de(buyer accounts), Personal Data(german), Soft-для работы с почтами(мультиаккаунтинг), Soft-(анонимные браузеры собственной разработки на базе мозила файрфокс с возможностью смены юзерагента, подвязки ip адреса и порта, работает с прокси), так же есть рабочие схемы для заработка.
Внимание купленные товары возврату не подлежат в случаях когда нашей вины нет! Например: покупка товара не посмотрев описание, покупка персональных данных в единственном экзепляре, покупка товара соответствующего описанию и исправного!
Возврат возможем если наш товар не исправен, не соответствует описанию(замена), аккаунты с недействительным паролем!
Store rules
Hello friend, by purchasing our product you confirm your agreement to the correct use of all accounts. For the correct operation of all our products, you must understand that the country of registration is Germany, so you will need to use a VPN or proxy to avoid a ban! If you do not know how and why our products are needed, it is better not to buy as we are not responsible for your actions! Time for verification is given 3 days from the date of purchase! We also guarantee for our part that all products are working! If our accounts or another product does not work within the specified period, you can issue a refund or replacement by writing to us.