About the store
on hStock since 2024About us
Log in to each new account from a new IP, a clean browser, otherwise you will not be able to log in in other cases. Authorization to accounts from IPs of different countries is carried out at your own peril and risk, it may ask for SMS or cause account blocking, claims will not be accepted. It is forbidden to use accounts for illegal purposes. After the purchase, all responsibility for the account(s) passes to the buyer.
When using accounts for any illegal activity, the buyers themselves are responsible. I do not condone spamming (i.e. commercial e-mails sent without the prior consent of the recipients) and committing any fraudulent activities using accounts.
Store rules
Before the sale, all accounts are checked and sent to the client in a working (not blocked) state
In the event that for some reason the account was sent in advance in a non-working (blocked) state, the client can apply for a replacement in accordance with the terms and rules specified in the "Rules for the purchase of goods"
When you first log in, you may be asked to enter additional data that is attached to your accounts.