
⚡️0LD DISCORD / 2021 - 2022 / SMS + MAIL + TOKEN⚡️

В наличии:  652 шт
Информация о товаре
Время на открытие спора : 1 ч.
Описание товара

• Confirmed by SMS+MAIL.
• When checking your account, use a proxy and an anti-detection browser
• Can request a letter to the mail that comes with the package, very rarely it may not work, but the token will work in this case, but almost always the mail works.
• Confirmed by Rambler mail and linked phone number.
• Registered in 2021-2022.
• IMPORTANT: First go to the mail, only then to the discord itself. Otherwise, the letter may not reach you.

Способ регистрации: Ручная
Год регистрации: 2022
Почта в комплекте: Да
Подтверждение по SMS: Да
Активный AUTH_TOKEN: Да
Формат файла
login, password, mail, mailpass, token
Информация о продавце
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