О магазине
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Do you want more accounts or haven't found the right country, the right configuration (name, surname, city, company, position)?
Write to us, and we'll be happy to select and add the product you need! Your request is our priority.
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Правила магазина
When purchasing a product, the buyer automatically confirms that they are familiar with the store rules and the product description. The purchased product is not subject to return, except in cases of its invalidity - i.e., if the account has been deleted or if there has been a password change previously. Please check the product immediately after purchase. If any problems arise - such as invalid accounts - please notify us immediately with video or photo evidence. You have 1 hour to check the product after purchase. After this period, the responsibility for the purchased product lies with you, and replacements or refunds are not available. Returns/replacements are not provided after logging into the account or if other purchase requirements listed below were violated. Practice shows that if you have logged into the account, the problem is most likely on your end (proxy, software, VPN, etc.). Therefore, please check the accounts before logging into them.