О магазине
на hStock c 2023О нас
We are a telecommunications provider with more than 15 years of experience in the South American market in digital marketing.
Правила магазина
Whatsapp account (normal)
Accounts in hash format of 3, 6 parts, and in queen format (unimmesenger and others)
The account consists of a file containing the account either in txt if hashs or in folders if queen.
Please, if you don't know what to do with these folders, where to put them and paste them, don't buy an account, don't create a dispute.
Account country Chile, prefix +56
The guarantee for accounts is 60 minutes, you must strictly make a video from the moment of purchase until using it.
If you have an invalid account, it will be replaced with a valid one.
Accounts can only be used for white purposes, scams are prohibited.